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Use Hand-Dyed Yarn To Complete Easy Decor Projects

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If you are looking for a way to brighten up your kitchen or foyer and would like to use your crafting skills to create homemade decorations, purchase several skeins of hand-dyed crafting yarn. During the manufacturing process, yarn is dipped into vats of colorful dye. Some products are multi-toned, and others contain one distinct pigment, which will allow you to color-coordinate each craft or focus on tones that will complement other decor in your home.

A Beautiful Border

Paintings or landscape prints that have been collecting dust while they have been stacked away inside of your attic are the types of decorations that can be used to update a bare corner of a room or an entryway. If the artwork isn't framed or if each piece is encased in a nondescript frame, use a bold color of crafting yarn to enhance the framework. If you are going to purchase frames, go with an inexpensive, lightweight model that will be easy to manipulate with your hands.

If you are going to upgrade frames that you already own, remove the artwork from each one. Clean and dry the frames prior to wrapping yarn around each one. To begin the upgrade, loop the end of a piece of yarn around one corner of a frame. Form a knot in the yarn so that the yarn does not slip off as you being winding the material around the frame.

Keep the yarn as taut as possible and do not leave any gaps on the frame's surface. If you want to go with a unique look, choose several different yarn varieties to add a rainbow or striped theme to the frames.

Pom-Pom Creatures

Pom-pom creatures require very few materials and will add a whimsical touch to a kitchen counter or a table that is set up in the foyer. A book, hand-dyed crafting yarn, googly eyes, glue, felt, and scissors are the materials you will need. Wrap yarn many times around the middle of a book. Keep the yarn fairly taut. Slide the yarn bundle off of the book, being mindful to keep the strands bunched together.

Cut one strand of yarn that is a couple feet long directly from a skein of yarn. Use this strand to bind the yarn bundle together. To do this, wrap the strand around the center of the bundle. Form a knot so that the bundle contains two distinct sides, both with looped edges.

Use scissors to cut through all of the loops. Fluff up the ball of yarn by moving your fingers through the yarn strands. Glue eyes onto one side of the yarn ball. Use felt to create a hat, nose, mouth, or any other features that you want the pom-pom creatures to possess and glue the felt pieces onto the pom-pom.

To learn more, contact a resource that has hand-dyed crafting yarn for sale.
